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The age of various house members/units is crucial in the understanding of their remaining useful life. Listed below are some typical age/life expectancies. These are general statements, for there are many factors which determine the life of a house member/unit that are impossible to detect on a visual inspection. Some members/units may perform well beyond their expected life, while others may need replacement sooner.

 House Members/Units  Est. Useful Life   


asphalt composite roof

 15 - 30
 slate/tile roof  50+
 septic system (leaching fields)  18 - 20
 boiler/furnace  20 - 30
 heat exchanger w/humidifier  10
 combustion chambers  10
 burner  10
 appliances  5 - 8
 hot water tank  5 - 12
 tankless hot water (serviced properly)  10+
 buried water pipes in concrete  15 - 18
 window maintenance/repairs  maintain annually
 flashing maintenance/repairs  maintain annually
 metal chimneys  10
 metal flue lines  10
 unlined brick flues  20+
 automatic flue dampers  inspect annually
 swimming pool liners  10
 tile walls (average quality)  1 - 5
 exposed wood deck or porch  5 - 7
 old wiring  unknown
 thermal seals in windows  5+
 caulking/putty (average quality)  1 - 5
 painted siding/trim  5
 stained siding/trim  7+
 downspout drywalls  10
 termite treatment  5 - 7
 carpenter ant treatment  annually
 air conditioning compressor  8 - 12
 old water pipes  unknown
 old drains, traps, vents, waste pipes  unknown
 buried oil tanks  15
 oil tanks  30
 plumbing fixtures/faucets  unknown
 fiberboard siding  5 - 7 years (properly treated)
 rolling roofing seams  maintain annually
 chimney maintenance  inspect annually
 pump motors  5+
 roof drainage maintenance  service semiannually
 heat pump  8 - 10


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Tips From R.J.D.

R.J.D Home & Property Inspections strictly adheres to the State of Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection Home Inspector Regulations and the Code of Ethics. Our dedication to honesty and integrity assures you a concise, comprehensive and accurate Home Analysis Report of conditions as we observe them at the time of our visual inspection.

R.J.D. Home & Property Inspections LLC. 26 Julia Lane Thomaston, CT 06787
©2025 R.J.D Home & Property Inspections LLC